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- IQ Computing Product License
- §1. This license applies to the product called "ImageButton.mcc", a package
- for the Amiga® computer, published by Maik Schreiber/IQ Computing under
- the concepts of Freeware, release 1.0 or later. The terms
- "ImageButton.mcc", "program", "package" and "archive" refer to this
- product. The licensee is addressed as "you".
- This license does not apply to third party supplied software, for which
- you can find their copyright notices below this license (if any).
- §2. By copying, re-distributing and/or using this package you indicate your
- agreement to this license to do so, and all its terms and conditions.
- Violation of any of the topics below will terminate your rights to use or
- otherwise handle (eg. distribute) this package.
- §3. [Start of copyright notice to include into other software packages]
- All programs, manuals, disks and all other files of the product
- "ImageButton.mcc" are Copyright © by Maik Schreiber/IQ Computing.
- Please visit The IQ Computing Web Site at http://home.pages.de/~bZ
- [End of copyright notice to include into other software packages]
- §4. There is no warranty for the program, to the extent permitted by
- applicable law. Except when otherwise stated in writing the copyright
- holder and/or other parties provide the program "as is" without warranty
- of any kind, either expressed or implied, including, but not limited to,
- the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular
- purpose. The entire risk as to the quality and performance of the program
- is with you. Should the program prove defective, you assume the cost of
- all neccessary servicing, repair or correction.
- §5. In no event unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing
- will any copyright holder, or any other party who may re-distribute the
- program as permitted below, be liable to you for damages, including any
- general, special, incidental or consequential damages arising out of the
- use or inability to use the program (including, but not limited to, loss
- of data or data being rendered inaccurate or losses sustained by you or
- third parties or a failure of the program to operate with any other
- programs), even if such copyright holder or other party has been advised
- of the possibility of such damages.
- §6. The author has no obligation to provide maintenance, support, updates,
- enhancements or modifications of the program.
- §7. All trademarked names used in this package are used for the purposes of
- identification and for the benefit of the trademark holders. No
- infringement of trademarks is intended. Trademarks remain the properties
- of the trademark holders.
- §8. This package may be freely re-distributed, but only in totally unmodified
- form: No files must be added, deleted, renamed and/or otherwise modified.
- Compression with common archivers like LZX, LhA or (PK)Zip is allowed.
- You are only allowed to re-distribute the whole original archive, not any
- single file must be distributed separately (except stated below under
- condition 9). This condition applies to all forms of re-distribution:
- floppy disks, CD-ROMs, BBSs, electronic networks, FTP sites or any other
- means.
- §9. Programmers and creators of freely distributable software (this includes
- public domain, freeware, giftware and all other software that does not
- cost more than DM 20, US$ 12, GB£ 8 or an equal value in any other
- currency) are allowed to include single files of this package in their
- own distributions. They are only allowed to do so if all of the following
- conditions are met:
- - They must include the above copyright notice into their "Copyrights"
- section(s) of their manual(s).
- Any other conditions (except the conditions that are excluded by this
- condition) stated within this license do still apply to programmers and
- creators of freely distributable software.
- §10. Permission to include certain parts of this package into commercial
- distributions (this includes all kinds of software except the ones stated
- under condition 9) is only given by an extra available commercial
- license. Contact the author directly for this license; it will be
- individually handed out for your needs.
- §11. You are not allowed to draw commercial profit out of re-distributing this
- package. You may only charge a nominal fee to recover distribution costs.
- §12. Each time you re-distribute this package, the recipient automatically
- receives a license from the original licensor to copy, re-distribute
- and/or use this package. You must not impose any further restrictions on
- the recipient's exercise of the rights granted herein.
- §13. You agree to cease distributing this package if requested to do so by the
- author.
- §14. You agree to cease the distribution of software which includes original
- or derived parts of this package if requested to do so by the author. In
- that case, you must completely remove these parts from that software
- package in order to be allowed to continue distributing it.
- Copyrights of other software that is not covered by the above license:
- All icons in this package (except "Install.info", "ImageButton-Demo.info" and
- similar) are Copyright © by Martin Huttenloher.
- Please have a look at the MagicWB.readme document.
- MUI is Copyright © by Stefan Stuntz.
- MCC-Install is Copyright © by Kai Hofmann.
- IQ Computing:
- Concepts, policies: Oliver Hauth & Maik Schreiber
- IQ Computing Logo : Maik Schreiber
- Product licenses : Maik Schreiber
- $VER: IQComputingFW.license 1.1 (11.7.97) © by Maik "BLiZZeR" Schreiber